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Betting monitoring specialist visits Brazil

Betting monitoring specialist visits Brazil

Ludovico Calvi talks about good market regulation practices

Between September 4th and 8th, the Brazil Futebol Expo, promoted by the Brazilian Soccer Confederation (CBF), was held in Sao Paulo. The monitoring of betting in the regulation of the Brazilian market was the theme of one of the talks of the event.

Ludovico Calvi, president of the Global Lottery Monitoring System (GLMS) and sports betting consultant for the Oregon State Lottery, was one of the participants in the “Betting Websites” talk.

Along with Calvi, Alexandre Manoel Angelo da Silva, Secretary of Evaluation, Planning, Energy and Lottery of the Ministry of Economy (SECAP / ME), and Magno José, president of the Brazilian Institute of Legal Gaming (IJL), were talking about Brazil’s steps towards the regulation of the betting market in the country.

Betting monitoring ensures activity transparency

In an exclusive interview with Games Magazine Brazil, Ludovico Calvi mentioned that the GLMS Code of Conduct could be an important reference for betting regulation in Brazil.

GLMS is a sports betting monitoring system that went global in 2015. The system is the basis of the so-called European Lottery Monitoring System (ELMS) established by the European Lotteries.

Calvi worked on setting up this system in Italy, managing the country’s largest betting network through Lottomatica.

In the interview with GMB, when asked what would be the most efficient way to combat manipulation of sporting results, Ludovico provided several key examples such as:

  • The existence of a comprehensive regulatory framework with strong provisions on sports integrity and conflicts of interest.
  • The implementation of a national platform aimed at coordinating and centralizing anti-manipulation actions, where regulatory authorities, ministries, federations and national sports organizations, legal and licensed gaming operators, police authorities, prosecutors and the judiciary should participate.
  • Creation of criminal, sporting and administrative sanctions for athletes (accompanied by whistleblower protection).
  • Engagement in terms of cooperation and coordination at national and international levels with global integrity bodies such as GLMS (Global Lottery Monitoring System).

Gaming market regulation drives economic opening

During the interview Calvi also said it is going to be very positive for Brazil to undertake the process of regulating sports betting, as it will favor the economy, society, and the generation of jobs for local communities.

However, Calvi warned that the country should be careful not to make any mistakes in legislation. For failures to be minimized, he said it was paramount to set up a centralized Federal Betting Regulatory Authority, which would define the sports betting regulatory structure and oversee its implementation in the market.

It is also crucial that there exist strict instructions and measures against illegal sports betting. Otherwise, the entire structure of the regulatory process could be undermined.

Another prerequisite for effective betting monitoring is consumer protection through measures such as fraud management, responsible gaming and the protection of minors.

Although the Brazilian economy is beginning to improve, the search for creative solutions that further boost economic development is fundamental.

The regulation of the gaming market will serve as another trigger in the resumption of the country’s economic growth.

Several efforts are being made towards the implementation of a consistent gaming industry, where regulation of betting monitoring activities is evidence of the country’s commitment to a positive direction.

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